Monday, March 28, 2011

Game vs St. Pius X

So today! I had no idea what to expect. St Pius was a really good school and is basically undefeated. Us, the two year noobie, came in and tried our best, but in the end...we lost. But we were so good o.o. We held on until the finish and that is what makes me happy ^__^
teehee. even though the score is bad...(18-6) I'm just happy that we scored some goals against this school.
hehe. Guess who scored half :D?
So. back then. someone had been talking bout the person who played varsity for St. Pius which I do have to admit, I was kind of jealous. So I gave my all and be like "win the girl"! hehe. like some..damsel in distress or so. It was quite fun~ :D
ah~ ^__^
Got to bring our game up even more! Push our limits even more! Push EVERYTHING even more! We will win more games. >:O!
..The life of a captain.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

One week without prayer makes one weak!

Japan! Oh my gosh, Japan..8.9 Magnitude earthquake. 19-20 aftershocks each of 6 magnitude. Earthquake causes tsunamis, so then a tsunami came. Tsunami washed away many many cars, boats, houses, EVERYTHING like it's nothing. It just pick it up and toss it around. After a tsunami, there was a nuclear power plant explosion. Oh jeez. God, please help.
And there are people in the USA that actually say, "forget Japan, remember Pearl Harbor". What the heck. Do you know that the people we killed with the Atom bomb melted people's skins off, gave people leukemia, and killed more people than all the people that died at Pearl Harbor? And most people in the USA wasn't even born back then.
It is a sad, sad world. It makes me disappointed in myself as a human being. Lord, please show me that in this world, there are good people. Please show the ignorant the truth. Ignorance is a bliss unless they are uneducated. >:\

Alter serving!

So for two Sundays awhile ago, Miss Dao had recruited me to become an alter server. I agreed since they needed help. Alter servers are like those people that help out the priest and stuff. They look really graceful while doing it too. I did it twice when she got a call from the alter server head person saying I can't do it anymore and he was the one who first recruited me. I can't do it anymore because..I'm not Catholic.
*sigh* I wanted to do it for God, and the funny thing is I can't do it because I'm not Catholic.
But it makes sense, I guess. Religion is a really serious thing. I understand. Oh well~ X]

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Ah, the perfect rainy Saturday. Where you want to sleep in until you can't anymore. =]
But the sucky part is the you can't sleep anymore. So then you wake up, eat a lot, feel tired, and sleep again.
After that, you get on the computer, then get bored and get off. Then get back again because you are bored until you are hungry again. When you are hungry again, you leave the computer and eat, then come back and decided to do homework. You decided you don't want to do homework, and then chooses chores over homework. After doing chores because you really don't want to do homework, you decides to take out an agenda to make yourself feel more productive. While taking out your agenda, you tell your friend to get on AIM. The friend distracts you for a couple more hours and you decide to take out the papers to finally start on your homework. After many hours, you finally finish your homework, so you went to go shower and go out to eat dinner. "Mhmm, dinner...First time I went to a Vietnamese restaurant and chose something besides com tam", you said. Then you with the friend to Walmart and play video games there. Then the friend drove you home and now you realize you are bored and starts writing in second person and failing, you think.

I love Saturdays =]