Thursday, December 23, 2010

Winter break part III.

Skating was fun.. :D
I wore pants that you can rip em basketball pants. And buttons basically hold em together. So during the race, I fell because I went too fast. It was kind of cool, haha. I fell, and rolled a bit and got right back up again and made it to...4th-5th place out of 10 people ^.^? After skating..everything was all good, so we decided to go to the movies. That part was stressful. We had to figure out where to eat first and which movie theaters. And then in the car ride, Truc My was stressed too, so she kind of accidently took it out on me..which made it more stressful. In the end, we ate mcdonalds..
...Then when I got home, I realize I lost my wallet. It had my $40, my permit, and my school id cards from sophomore year to senior year. >:\

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