Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happiness is hard work.

Is it weird how being mean is easier than being nice? Hating someone is easier than loving someone. Giving up is easier than holding on.
It's just kind of sad how being nice to someone, loving someone, and never giving up sounds like such an amazing idea and it's supposed to be natural. For it to be harder than there's just scary to imagine someone letting all of that go.

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

An absence or loss of.

Why do I miss you? It feels unreasonable. Is it because I haven't seen you in awhile? As in like see you and not just a glimpse? Is it because I haven't actually talked to you in awhile? As in like having a conversation that has to do with nothing and has to do with everything? How do I get this feeling to go away?...It's like you're there but you're actually not there. I just don't like the feeling of it. It feels...empty.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Is it worth it?

The question that always comes up when you're at your down point. When you're spirit is broken, everything broken, and you're just not sure anymore. Is it worth the pain I'm having? Is it worth everything I'm sacrificing for? Time, money, myself? Everything? Is there such thing as giving everything to someone?

I've learned in my life that a relationship has to work both ways. It can't just be one sided, or else it will never work. That isn't how a relationship works. A relationship can be between anyone, and they're usually the most important to you: family, friends, lovers. Although they are important, how can someone you love makes you feel so happy and can make you so sad at the same time? It's just strange and confusing how that can happen so easily.

 It just makes you think how vulnerable and strong you can be with them around. They are your weakness and they are your strength. They are a part of you. They are everything to you. Are you to them? Make sure you are.

So is it worth it? To be so happy and the next thing you know, they make you so down. It's like a roller coaster of emotions and everything in life. What goes up must go down. No relationship is perfect, so it is bound to happen. But if the depressing side of it over weigh the more positive side, then you must let them go. If the positive side over weigh the more depressing side, never let go.

 Even though you know they are worth it, the pessimistic side can sometimes win . It'll make you think differently. You'll just want to let them go, and you say it's not worth it. When that happens, all you can do is depend on them. You're low on hope and your doubts are high. It just depends on the person that comes and tries to save you in time. The biggest enemy isn't you or him/her, but time.

"The one that cares the least controls the relationship"

You are worth it. I'll never be the one who will care less. Thank you for caring. Thank you for saving me in time. Thank you. For everything. It almost had us, but we made it through. We almost lost it, but we made it through. I’ll see you at the end, just me and you.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The coming of home.

Blah. Who knew homecoming was this stressful? I think I like ignoring it all three years. Why does this year make it any different? Ah, I guess it's try something new. Though..homecoming is everything that I DON'T want to do besides hanging out with friends. Dressing up..dancing. :( .Darn the curiosity and peer pressure...Well, as long as they don't try to make me do drugs and all that crap, right!? ....right?! TT_TT 

DARNNNNNNN. $30 bucks for something I'll never wear again! I rather spend it all on T-shirts! >:O
Since I asked Dianna to waste her time on helping me pick out a dress, I couldn't say no. She really loved it..and urgh. And Truc My loved it also. So now..we're matching :O... and she's also going to make our dates match also. Haha. weeeeeeeee...

SCHOOOOOOOOOOOL. 6 weeks so far and I think I got all A's except for an 89 in french 3. -__-..woooooo. Just need a bit more! ;D